Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Introducing Freemiums

Cascade Leadership Challenge is happy to announce our newest event: Freemiums!

A Freemium is a special description of event new to CLC in 2015. In order to recruit more potential members, once a month we are offering events free potential members. Current members can also come along for free as long as they bring a guest (otherwise it's $20, them's the rules). These events can be day hikes, snowshoeing, biking trips, rock climbing, and anything really since we're open to any ideas. It will be a low risk environment for CLC members and anyone and everyone who wants to come see what this organization is all about.

So far it's been a great success with a grand total of four trips in the books (and now on the blog). The January Trip was a snowshoeing hike up to Steven's pass. Unfortunately for our trekkers, there wasn't as much snow as everyone had hoped for originally but fun was had despite the less than stellar snow pack. Numerous encounters with wildlife were reported and the snowshoeing in general was an enjoyable experience.

The February Freemium was a day trip to Ocean Shores State Park. We were really fortunate that the weather help out and it was only overcast and not raining and cold like we had original feared. It was a whole lot of fun to throw the football around on the beach and make "sandmen" before destroying them. We then roasted hot dogs over the fire before switching to roasting Oreo s and marshmallows. On the way back we stopped in Aberdeen at the Sucher & Sons Star Wars Stop. A fun side trip one member brought home a Wookie hat which we all enjoyed very much.

In March the freemium was a bike trip over to Bainbridge Island. Despite issues of it being rainy and windy, the sun managed to shine through and make for a pleasurable experience. The ferry across was fun as always and Bainbridge is an all together enjoyable place to bike around. This was the start of what are hopefully many bike trips to come, including a weeklong tour of Vancouver Island in August and it's awesome to be able to get a taste of what that might be like for free.

Our most recent freemium was a day trip up to Deception Pass with people from Mary's Place. We hiked along the eastern edge of the park and experienced some challenging mud along the way. Watermelon was had on the beach and the weather held out for long enough us to enjoy spectacular views of the bridge and surroundings. Everyone was really excited to get out and enjoy nature after a couple weeks of less than stellar weather.

We'll be doing a freemium event every month for as long as we can. We haven't decided on our next freemium just yet but we'll let you know when we've decided. If you're interested in coming on a free event, please contact info@cascadechallenge.org.


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